Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modern Puritans

 Ahh, Puritans. Can’t live with em, can't live without em. Or can we...? In our modern society, we haven't seen many groups that are really up to speed for Puritan standards. A few groups come to mind, such as the Amish, although their only similarity with the Puritans is how cut off from society they are. The Puritans are pretty harsh and strict with their beliefs, and anyone with a toe out of line will be called out for their sins, and punished.
                Sometimes school feels like a Puritan society, with there being some unfair punishments and strange rules. But for the most part, school rules are justified, and there is a good amount of leniency. During my trip to Pakistan this summer, there were a few things that could connect to Puritan society. Religion is a huge part of people’s lives in Pakistan. It’s mandatory to celebrate certain holidays (An example being a holiday where you cannot eat during the day. You could get arrested if you didn’t follow their customs).  
                Puritan ways have not fully died out; as we see sprinkles of their ways around out world, but unless there is an underground Puritan group plotting their up-rise, I have a feeling we won’t be seeing any modern puritan societies any time soon.


  1. I like your example in Pakistan. It is a comparison of Puritanism to what is directly connected to your life. It also shows an example of how the religious strictness of the Puritans correlates to the religious strictness we see in some cases today. I like how show the law sometimes gets involved with religion, as it did when the Puritans were around.

  2. I think the way you related Puritans to the importance of religion in Pakistan was very interesting. I thought it was particularly interesting that religion influences the law in Pakistan the same way it influenced the law in Puritan communities.

  3. The fact that both Puritans and the people of Pakistan both having religion have such an important role in their lives make them very similar. The strictness of both societies is very similar and I think this comparison is very accurate.

  4. I like the way that you compared a Puritan society with school. The way you compared the rules made perfect sense the more I thought about it. I could not agree more with your statement that Puritan ways have not died out.
